The Hattie M. Wiggins Beacon of Light, Inc. officially launched the collaboration of celebrating our young men and women Airmen at the NAS Pensacola where her mother, Hattie was the Secretary to the Chaplain on 11 Alive with Sue Straughn.
The HMWBOLI will deliver Welcome and Graduate Care Packages to the Airmen unit at NAS Pensacola in conjunction with Pastor Mike Dimick of Olive Baptist Church, Warrington Campus and Chaplain Richard Tiff.
Coming Full Circle
"I am Super Excited about this New Community collaboration with the Hattie M Wiggins Beacon of Light Inc."-Founder HMWBOLI
HMWBOLI Officially Launched Operation Appreciation Project Today with Sue Straughn on 11 Alive with Pastor Dimick and Chaplain Tiff of the Airmen Unit on NAS Pensacola.
Pictured (L-R)
Pastor Mike Dimick (Olive Baptist Church Warrington Campus, Pensacola, FL), Shernita Wynder (Founder/CEO Hattie M Wiggins Beacon of Light Inc, Pensacola, FL), and Chaplain Richard Tiff (Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL)
How You Can Help
Anyone looking to support of troops at NAS Pensacola can donate items that will be listed on the website's link for Outreach and then click NAS Operation Appreciation. These men and women have made a commitment to serve our country, so the Founder felt compelled to return the favor. "This is what my mother would have done. She loved working at NAS and she was highly respected by the Chaplains there and around the world."-Shernita Wynder
You can email or contact us to see where you can drop off your donated items, make a donation on our website, or find out the days of our collection sites. If you'd like to volunteer please call us. Our troops protect us at home and abroad. Let's make sure they know we care about them also.